Reclaim History


Separate But Equal

Virginia’s public school system was segregated from its beginning in 1870. In the course of more than a 100 years many students suffered. The “separate but equal” laws used in segregating public education were not ruled unconstitutional until 1954.


Charlotte Court House

Lighthouse Academia Group, Inc., successfully purchased a historical building in Charlotte Courthouse, VA, the prior J. Murray Jeffress Elementary School, built in 1952 for African Americans during segregation. As African American lady business owners, the purchase of the Jeffress school building provides Lighthouse Academia Group the ability to preserve a piece of African American heritage. While preserving history, we are giving back quality education inclusive of all, in a diverse and welcoming school environment. The once “Coloured” school, as mentioned on the original blueprint, will now be renovated to deliver useful knowledge. Renovation of the Jeffress School building provides continuity of history for a community dedicated to educating the 21st century-ready scholar. The town of Charlotte Court House is a historic district and is listed on the state and national registrar of historic places.  Lighthouse Academia Group is in the process of registering the former JMJ School as a national historic preservation site.